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14 articles
Tint ModifierSet the tint color of a layer and its children.
Border ModifierAdd a border to a layer with a specific color and width.
Foreground Color ModifierSet the color of the foreground elements displayed by a layer.
Scaled To Fill ModifierScale layers to fill their parent.
Scaled To Fit ModifierScale layers to fit their parent.
Aspect Ratio ModifierConstrain a layer’s dimensions to the aspect ratio of a specific size.
Rotation Effect ModifierRotate a layer’s rendered output in two dimensions around a specific point.
Mask ModifierMask a layer using the alpha channel of the given layer.
Clipped ModifierClip layers to their bounding rectangular frame.
Clip Shape ModifierSet a clipping shape for a layer.
Blend Mode ModifierSet the blend mode for compositing layers with overlapping layers.
Opacity ModifierSet the transparency of a layer.
Blur ModifierApply a Gaussian blur to a layer.
Shadow ModifierAdd a shadow to a layer.