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Sheet Modifier

Used to present a Sheet when the binding to a Boolean value that you provide is True.

Updated over a year ago

Use the Sheet modifier when you want to present a modal layer to the user. A Sheet presentation adapts to cover the screen while leaving a narrow strip of the background visible, letting the user know that they can dismiss it by swiping down.

To build a Sheet, you must create and bind a Boolean value to the Is Presented Sheet parameter. This determine’s whether to present the sheet.

It’s best practice to create the sheet in a separate component and insert an instance of it in the Sheet modifier.

For example, the Sheet modifier has been added to the Main screen with an instance of the Sheet screen attached to the modifier. When a user clicks on the Button, the Sheet screen is presented because the Boolean value isShowingSheet is bound to the Button. Sheets can be dismissed by swiping down.

From the Inspector panel, you can also add an Action that executes when dismissing the sheet. It is most commonly used with a Custom code integration.

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