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A layer that arranges its sublayers in a vertical line.

Updated over a year ago

Embedding layers in a VStack, or a Vertical Stack, allows you to stack layers in order vertically. A VStack will take up the same amount of space as all of its child layers.

By default, a VStack centers all of its children vertically along the y-axis and sets a spacing of 8 points between each one.

You can horizontally align the content within a VStack to position layers to the following edges:

  • Leading - All layers aligned to the left side of the VStack in a left-to-right language or to the right side in a right-to-left language

  • Center - All layers aligned to the horizontal center of the VStack

  • Trailing - All layers aligned to the right side of the VStack in a left-to-right language or to the right side in a right-to-left language

You can also customize the layout of the layers in your VStack by adjusting its spacing in the Inspector panel.

★ Pro Tip

With the applicable layer(s) selected, you can use the keyboard shortcut ⌘⇧V to embed them in an VStack.

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